Thunderstorms cool or scary? Debate continues.

No resolution has been reached by Midsomer Norton town council officials as to whether thunderstorms are cool or scary, insiders have revealed.

Council officials have met for another heated debate today following last night’s dramatic storm, which has reignited the controversial and highly divisive dispute that has shrouded thunderstorms for several decades.

An insider claimed that the debate, that lasted several hours, was “passionate, emotional and pioneering”.

Reports claim that councillors who believe thunderstorms are cool, known as pro-stormers, have been willing to downgrade their classification of the weather phenomena from “frigging awesome” down to “wholly satisfying”.

Anti-stormers on the other hand, who have always dubbed thunderstorms “shockingly disturbing” have thus far accepted the description “mildly alarming” with the optional addendum “especially for dogs”.

Many insiders are suggesting an agreement may only be weeks away.

“The outcome of these debates will likely shape the way we think of thunderstorms for years to come.

It’s an exciting time for everyone.”

In the meantime extra police have been deployed across the Norton-Radstock region in an attempt to avoid hostile clashes between pro and anti-stormer protestors.

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